Sketcher BSplineDecreaseKnotMultiplicity/it

Diminuisci la molteplicità

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Sketch → Strumenti B-spline → Diminuisci la molteplicità
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Vedere anche
Crea B-spline


Diminuisce la molteplicità del nodo di curva B-spline (vedere: B-spline).


  1. Selezionare un nodo di una B-spline
  2. Richiamare lo strumento usando uno di questi metodi:
    • Premere il pulsante Diminuisci la molteplicità nella barra degli strumenti.
    • Usare la voce Sketch → Strumenti B-spline → Diminuisci la molteplicità dal menu principale.


See Sketcher_BSplineIncreaseKnotMultiplicity


If you decrease the multiplicity of a knot to zero, the knot vanishes. Mathematically it then appears zero times in the knot vector, meaning there is no longer a basis function. Understanding this requires some math, but it will also be clear if you look at the multiplicity. For example a knot with multiplicity 0 on a B-spline with degree 3 means that at the position of the knot two Bézier pieces are connected with C3 continuity. So the third derivative should be equal on both sides of the knot. However for a cubic Bézier curve this means that both sides must be part of the same curve. There is then effectively no longer a knot connecting two Bézier curves.